KubeHound Cheat Sheet - Pen Test & Red Team

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KubeHound Cheat Sheet for Azure Kubernetes Penetration Testing and Red Teaming

Scroll down to view example KubeHound queries created by Central InfoSec during Kubernetes penetration tests and queries collected from other sources.

Who knows, you may find a path to cluster-admin from an exposed endpoint...

KubeHound - Central InfoSec Pen Test Company

Example Graphs

Large Kubernetes Environment

KubeHound - Central InfoSec Pen Test Company

Exploiting an Endpoint Leads to Many Paths

KubeHound - Central InfoSec Pen Test Company

Selecting a Specific Pod

KubeHound - Central InfoSec Pen Test Company

Large Kubernetes Environment

KubeHound - Central InfoSec Pen Test Company

Hierarchical View

KubeHound - Central InfoSec Pen Test Company

Example Path 1

KubeHound - Central InfoSec Pen Test Company

Example Path 2

KubeHound - Central InfoSec Pen Test Company

Exposed Endpoint Leads to cluster-admin

KubeHound - Central InfoSec Pen Test Company

Terminology Overview

Graph Theory

  • Graph - A data type to represent complex, non-linear relationships between objects
  • Vertex - The fundamental unit of which graphs are formed (also known as "node")
  • Edge - A connection between vertices (also known as "relationship")
  • Path - A sequence of edges which joins a sequence of vertices
  • Traversal - The process of visiting (checking and/or updating) each vertex in a graph


  • Entity - An abstract representation of a Kubernetes component that form the vertices (nodes) of the attack graph. These do not necessarily have a one-to-mapping to Kubernetes objects, but represent a related construct in an attacker's mental model of the system. Each entity can be tied back to one (or more) Kubernetes object(s) from which it derived via vertex properties
  • Attack - All edges in the KubeHound graph represent a net "improvement" in an attacker's position or a lateral movement opportunity. Thus, if any two vertices in the graph are connected, we know immediately that an attacker can move between them. As such attack and edge are used interchangeably throughout the project
  • Critical Asset - An entity in KubeHound whose compromise would result in cluster admin (or equivalent) level access


A majority of the attacks map to MITRE ATT&CK tactics and techniques
  • CE_MODULE_LOAD - Container escape: Load kernel module
  • CE_NSENTER - Container escape: nsenter
  • CE_PRIV_MOUNT - Container escape: Mount host filesystem
  • CE_SYS_PTRACE - Container escape: Attach to host process via SYS_PTRACE
  • CE_UMH_CORE_PATTERN - Container escape: through core_pattern usermode_helper
  • CONTAINER_ATTACH - Attach to running container
  • ENDPOINT_EXPLOIT - Exploit exposed endpoint
  • EXPLOIT_CONTAINERD_SOCK - Container escape: Through mounted container runtime socket
  • EXPLOIT_HOST_READ - Read file from sensitive host mount
  • EXPLOIT_HOST_TRAVERSE - Steal service account token through kubelet host mount
  • EXPLOIT_HOST_WRITE - Container escape: Write to sensitive host mount
  • IDENTITY_ASSUME - Act as identity
  • IDENTITY_IMPERSONATE - Impersonate user/group
  • PERMISSION_DISCOVER - Enumerate permissions
  • POD_ATTACH - Attach to running pod
  • POD_CREATE - Create privileged pod
  • POD_EXEC - Exec into running pod
  • POD_PATCH - Patch running pod
  • ROLE_BIND - Create role binding
  • SHARE_PS_NAMESPACE - Access container in shared process namespace
  • TOKEN_BRUTEFORCE - Brute-force secret name of service account token
  • TOKEN_LIST - Access service account token secrets
  • TOKEN_STEAL - Steal service account token from volume
  • CE_VAR_LOG_SYMLINK - Read file from sensitive host mount
  • VOLUME_ACCESS - Access host volume
  • VOLUME_DISCOVER - Enumerate mounted volumes

KubeHound DSL

KubeHound DSL (Domain-Specific Language) is an overlay on the Gremlin query language that simplifies queries for the most common use cases.

The KubeHound DSL can be used by starting a traversal with kh vs the traditional g. All gremlin queries will work exactly as normal, but a number of additional steps specific to KubeHound will be available.

First 100 vertices in the kubehound graph


Count of containers


Count of pods


Count of nodes


Attacks from all containers


Get the properties of the first container matching the name "central-infosec"

kh.containers().has("name", TextP.containing("central-infosec")).limit(1).valueMap()

Attacks from containers containing the name "central-infosec"

kh.containers().has("name", TextP.containing("central-infosec")).attacks()

Count of attacks from all containers


Critical attack paths that allow an attacker to gain full privileges on the cluster (e.g., by gaining the cluster-admin ClusterRole)


Critical attack paths from containers containing the name "central-infosec"

kh.containers().has("name", TextP.containing("central-infosec")).criticalPaths()

Number of critical attack paths from containers


Attack paths from containers using a filter

kh.containers().criticalPathsFilter(10, "TOKEN_BRUTEFORCE", "TOKEN_LIST")

Critical attack paths that allow an attacker to gain full privileges on the cluster (e.g., by gaining the cluster-admin ClusterRole), deduplicating by container name


Attacks from containers running the cilium 1.11.18 image

kh.containers().has("image", "eu.gcr.io/internal/cilium:1.11.18").attacks()

Counts of containers by name


Containers running as root by name

kh.containers().has("runAsUser", 0).groupCount().by("name")

Privileged containers by name

kh.containers().has("privileged", true).valueMap().groupCount().by("name")

Privileged containers running as root by name

kh.containers().has("privileged", true).has("runAsUser", 0).groupCount().by("name")

Attacks for privileged containers running as root by name

kh.containers().has("privileged", true).has("runAsUser", 0).attacks()

More than 10 paths / long path


Vertices in the graph from the central-infosec.local cluster


Containers in the graph from the central-infosec.local cluster


Attack paths that start with a container with an exposed endpoint. EndpointExposure.ClusterIP: The container does not externally expose any port, but the endpoint can still be accessed from within the cluster


Attack paths that start with a container with an exposed endpoint. EndpointExposure.NodeIP: The container exposes an external port that can be accessed depending on firewall rules


Attack paths that start with a container with an exposed endpoint. EndpointExposure.External: The container exposes an endpoint outside the cluster. This type of endpoint can also be accessed with kh.services()


Export the service DNS name and the associated port to scan as a starting point in the attack


Get the roles that an attacker would gain if they manage to successfully exploit an endpoint


Lateral movement that an attacker can perform including which containers can be reached

.until(hasLabel("Container").or().loops().is(10).or().has("critical", true)).hasLabel("Container").path()


Containers in the graph


Container names


Containers in the graph with name filter

kh.containers("elasticsearch", "mongo", "central-infosec")

Containers in the graph with additional filters

kh.containers().has("namespace", "ns1").limit(10)

Get the number using the Ubuntu image


Counts of images with critical paths


Count of each image


Count of images leading to critical assets


Count of images leading to attacks



Pods in the graph


Pod names


Pods in the graph with name filter

kh.pods("app-pod", "sidecar-pod", "central-infosec-pod")

Pods in the graph with additional filters

kh.pods().has("namespace", "ns1").limit(10)


Nodes in the graph


Node names


Nodes in the graph with name filter


Nodes in the graph with additional filters

kh.nodes().has("name", "central-infosec").limit(10)
kh.nodes().has("team", "central-infosec").limit(10)


Container escapes in the graph


Container escapes in the graph with node name filter



Endpoints in the graph


Endpoint names


Endpoints in the graph with additional filters

kh.endpoints().has("port", 3000).limit(10)

Endpoints with K8s service exposure



Services in the graph


Service names


Services in the graph with name filter

kh.services("jmx", "redis")

Services in the graph with additional filters

kh.services().has("port", 9999).limit(10)


Volumes in the graph


Volume names


Volumes in the graph with name filter

kh.volumes("db-data", "proc-mount")

Volumes in the graph with additional filters

kh.volumes().has("sourcePath", "/").has("app", "web-app", "cis")


Host mounted volumes in the graph


hostMount names


sourcePaths of the hostMounts


mountPaths of the hostMounts


Host mount volumes in the graph with source path filter

kh.hostMounts("/", "/proc")

Host mount volumes in the graph with additional filters

kh.hostMounts().has("app", "web-app", "cis").limit(10)


Identities in the graph


Identity names


Identities in the graph with name filter

kh.identities("postgres-admin", "db-reader", "central-infosec")

Identities in the graph with additional filters

kh.identities().has("app", "web-app").limit(10)

Service Accounts

Service accounts in the graph


Service account names


Service accounts in the graph with name filter

kh.sas("postgres-admin", "db-reader", "central-infosec")

Service accounts in the graph with additional filters

kh.sas().has("app", "web-app").limit(10)


Users in the graph


User names


Users in the graph with name filter

kh.users("postgres-admin", "db-reader", "central-infosec")

Users in the graph with additional filters

kh.users().has("app", "web-app").limit(10)


Groups in the graph


Group names


Groups in the graph with name filter

kh.groups("postgres-admin", "db-reader", "central-infosec")

Groups in the graph with additional filters

kh.groups().has("app", "web-app").limit(10)


Permissions sets in the graph


Permission names


Permissions sets in the graph with role filter

kh.permissions("postgres-admin", "db-reader", "central-infosec")

Permissions sets in the graph with additional filters

kh.permissions().has("app", "web-app").limit(10)


Attacks possible from a specific container in the graph


Critical Assets

Critical assets in the graph


Check whether a specific permission set is marked as critical


Critical Paths

Attack paths from services to a critical asset


Number of critical attack paths


Attack paths (up to 5 hops) from a compromised credential to a critical asset


Critical PathsFilter

Attack paths (up to 10 hops) from services to a critical asset excluding the TOKEN_BRUTEFORCE and TOKEN_LIST attacks

kh.services().criticalPathsFilter(10, "TOKEN_BRUTEFORCE", "TOKEN_LIST")
kh.services().criticalPathsFilter(10, "TOKEN_BRUTEFORCE", "TOKEN_LIST").count()


Services with an attack path to a critical asset


Number of services with an attack path to a critical asset



Shortest exploitable path between an external service and a critical asset


Shortest exploitable path from a compromised central-infosec credential to a critical asset (up to 10)



Most common critical paths from services


Most common critical paths from a compromised central-infosec credential of up to 10 hops


Gremlin Queries

Basic Queries

You can query KubeHound data stored in the JanusGraph database by using the Gremlin query

Show edges


Show vertices


Get the count of pods


Get the properties of the first pod


Get the properties of the first pod with the name "central-infosec-pod"

g.V().hasLabel("Pod").has("name", "central-infosec-pod").limit(1).valueMap()

View the pods with the name "central-infosec-pod"

g.V().hasLabel("Pod").has("name", "central-infosec-pod")

View the pods with names that contain "central-infosec"

g.V().hasLabel("Pod").has("name", TextP.containing("central-infosec"))

View compromised pods

g.V().hasLabel("Pod").has("compromised", 1)

View items with names containing the string "central-infosec"

g.V().has("name", TextP.containing("central-infosec"))

View attack paths from items with names containing the string "central-infosec"

g.V().has("name", TextP.containing("central-infosec")).attacks()

Find paths from vertices labeled "Container" to vertices labeled "Node" via outgoing edges


Group the edges in the graph by their labels and counts the number of edges for each label


Filter vertices labeled "Volume" that have a property "type" with the value "HostPath". Then groups these vertices by the value of their "sourcePath" property and counts the occurrences of each group

g.V().hasLabel("Volume").has("type", "HostPath").groupCount().by("sourcePath")

Filter vertices labeled "Volume" that have a property "type" with the value "HostPath" with a "sourcePath" of "/etc/passwd"

g.V().hasLabel("Volume").has("type", "HostPath").has("sourcePath", "/etc/passwd")

Filter vertices labeled "Volume" that have a property "type" with the value "HostPath" with a "sourcePath" of "/etc/passwd" and show incoming edges

g.V().hasLabel("Volume").has("type", "HostPath").has("sourcePath", "/etc/passwd").inE()

Select edges with labels "EXPLOIT_HOST_READ" or "EXPLOIT_HOST_WRITE". Then traverses to the outgoing vertices and groups them by the value of their "sourcePath" property, counting the occurrences of each group

g.E().hasLabel("EXPLOIT_HOST_READ", "EXPLOIT_HOST_WRITE").outV().groupCount().by("sourcePath")

Leveraging the "EndpointExposureType" enum value to filter only on services

g.V().hasLabel("Endpoint").has("exposure", 3).groupCount().by("serviceEndpoint")

Leveraging the "EndpointExposureType" enum value to filter only on services with the serviceEndpoint of "admin"

g.V().hasLabel("Endpoint").has("exposure", 3).has("serviceEndpoint", "admin")

Basic Attack Paths

Endpoint to Node Path

This query starts from vertices labeled as "Endpoint" and traverses outgoing edges in a loop until it reaches a vertex labeled as "Node." An attacker might leverage this path to move from an endpoint to a critical node in the system. For example, if an endpoint has direct access to a node and there are security misconfigurations or vulnerabilities in the communication between the endpoint and the node, an attacker could exploit these weaknesses to compromise the node.


Container to Node Path

This query starts from vertices labeled as "Container" and traverses outgoing edges in a loop. It continues until it either reaches a vertex labeled as "Node" or completes five loops. An attacker might use this path to move from a container to a critical node in the system. If there are vulnerabilities or misconfigurations in the containers or the communication between containers and nodes, an attacker could exploit these issues to compromise a node.


Critical Identity Path

This query starts from vertices labeled as "Identity" and traverses outgoing edges in a loop. It continues until it either reaches a vertex with the property "critical" set to true or completes six loops. An attacker might exploit this path to identify critical identities in the system. If an identity with critical privileges or access is reachable from a starting identity, an attacker could compromise the system by impersonating or escalating privileges through these critical identities.

g.V().hasLabel("Identity").repeat(out().simplePath()).until(has("critical", true).or().loops().is(6)).has("critical", true).path().limit(5)

Attack paths from compromised assets


g.V().hasLabel("Container").has("name", "nsenter-pod").repeat(out().simplePath())
.until(has("critical", true).or().loops().is(10)).has("critical", true).path()

g.V().hasLabel("Container").has("image", TextP.containing("malicious-image")).repeat(out().simplePath())
.until(has("critical", true).or().loops().is(10)).has("critical", true).path()

More than 5 paths from an endpoint / long path


More than 5 paths from a container / long path



g.V().hasLabel("Identity").has("name", "compromised-sa").repeat(out().simplePath()).until(has("critical", true).or().loops().is(10)).has("critical", true).path()


g.V().hasLabel("Endpoint").repeat(out().simplePath()).until(has("critical", true).or().loops().is(6)).has("critical", true).path().limit(5)
g.V().hasLabel("Endpoint").has("portName", "jmx").repeat(out().simplePath()).until(has("critical", true).or().loops().is(6)).has("critical", true).path().limit(5)

Risk assessment

g.V().hasLabel("Endpoint").has("exposure", gte(3)).repeat(out().simplePath())
.until(has("critical", true).or().loops().is(7)).has("critical", true).path().count(local).min()

Base case

g.V().hasLabel("Endpoint").has("exposure", gte(3)).count()

Has a critical path

g.V().hasLabel("Endpoint").has("exposure", gte(3)).where(repeat(out().simplePath())
.until(has("critical", true).or().loops().is(10)).has("critical", true).limit(1)).count()

More than five paths

g.V().hasLabel("Endpoint").has("exposure", gte(3)).repeat(out().simplePath()).until(loops().is(gte(5))).path()

More than three paths

g.V().hasLabel("Endpoint").has("name", TextP.containing("central-infosec")).repeat(out().simplePath()).until(loops().is(gte(3))).path()

CVE impact assessment

You can also use KubeHound to determine if workloads in your cluster may be vulnerable to a specific vulnerability.

First, evaluate if a known vulnerable image is running in the cluster

g.V().hasLabel("Container").has("image", TextP.containing("elasticsearch")).groupCount().by("image")

Then, check any exposed services that could be affected and have a path to a critical asset. This helps prioritizing patching and remediation

g.V().hasLabel("Container").has("image", "dockerhub.com/elasticsearch:7.1.4").where(inE("ENDPOINT_EXPLOIT")
.outV().has("exposure", gte(3))).where(repeat(out().simplePath()).until(has("critical", true).or().loops().is(10)).has("critical", true).limit(1))

Assessing the value of implementing new security controls

To verify concrete impact, this can be achieved by comparing the difference in the key risk metrics above, before and after the control change. To simulate the impact of introducing a control (e.g to evaluate ROI), add conditions to path queries. For example if we wanted to evaluate the impact of adding a gatekeeper rule that would deny the use of hostPID we can use the following

Calculate the base case

g.V().hasLabel("Endpoint").has("exposure", gte(3)).repeat(out().simplePath()).until(has("critical", true).or().loops().is(6)).has("critical", true).path().count()

The "CE" stands for "container escape"

Calculate the impact of preventing CE_NSENTER attack

g.V().hasLabel("Endpoint").has("exposure", gte(3)).repeat(outE().not(hasLabel("CE_NSENTER")).inV().simplePath())
.emit().until(has("critical", true).or().loops().is(6)).has("critical", true).path().count()

Count the number of instances of unique attack paths using

.until(has("critical", true).or().loops().is(6)).has("critical", true)
.path().by(label).groupCount().order(local).by(select(values), desc)

Threat modelling

g.V().hasLabel("Container", "Identity")
.until(has("name", "cluster-admin").or().loops().is(5))
.has("name", "cluster-admin").hasLabel("Role").path().as("p").by(label).dedup().select("p").path()
g.V().hasLabel("Container", "Identity")
.until(has("critical", true).or().loops().is(5))
.has("critical", true).path().as("p").by(label).dedup().select("p").path()


Unique labels


Counts of multiple labels

g.V().hasLabel("Pod", "Node", "Service", "Volume", "Container", "Identity", "PermissionSet", "Endpoint").groupCount().by(label)

Count of all vertices


Count of edges


Count of pods


Count of nodes


Count of services


Count of volumes


Count of containers


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Central InfoSec offers a variety of professional security services including:

  • Red Teaming
    • Attack simulation to test, measure, and improve your detection and response
  • Penetration Testing
    • Real-world security tests using advanced hacking methods to identify your weaknesses
  • Kubernetes Security Audit
    • Identification of potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in your Kubernetes environment
  • Cloud Security Assessments (Azure & AWS)
    • Identification of potential vulnerabilities in your cloud
  • Application & API Testing
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  • vCISO Services
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  • Cyber Risk Management
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  • Phishing Assessment
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  • Managed Phishing
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  • Password Audit
    • Detection of weak passwords to help you improve your password policies
  • C2 & Pivot Testing
    • Command and control (C2) communications, pivoting, and data exfiltration testing
  • Purple Team Tabletop
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  • Security Training
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"Central InfoSec helps organizations by discovering network and web application vulnerabilities before the hackers do!"

Central InfoSec is an award-winning cyber security company that offers professional security services including Red Teaming, Penetration Testing, and Security Training.

The Central InfoSec team consists of skilled security professionals bringing a total of 20+ years of red teaming, penetration testing, web application, and exploitation experience. Central InfoSec team members have achieved industry leading professional certifications including CRTO, OSCP, OSWP, GXPN, GPEN, GCPN, GWAPT, GMOB, AWS-CSS, AWS-CCP, PenTest+, CEH, CISSP, and more.

The Central InfoSec team goes one step further and develops open-source tools including Burp Suite extensions, Cobalt Strike aggressor scripts, scripts tying into tools (including GoPhish, PhishMe, Slack, Lair), other custom-built security tools, and Capture The Flag (CTF) events!

Central InfoSec performs a variety of penetration tests including external-networks, internal-networks, web applications, and APIs. The company quickly informs clients of critical vulnerabilities by creating ad-hoc reports and hosting ad-hoc debriefs as necessary.

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Central InfoSec can quickly uncover critical vulnerabilities that have been missed for years. No automated scanning tool can replace high-quality security professionals. Utilizing Central InfoSec’s custom-built tools and manual analysis, Central InfoSec’s security experts have found numerous vulnerabilities within web applications including multiple 0-days allowing direct access to web servers hosting the applications. Once critical vulnerabilities are discovered, Central InfoSec’s experts work directly with application developers to address security flaws. With many success stories, Central InfoSec is constantly contributing to the community by sharing its knowledge through blogs, open-source projects, tool development, conferences, presentations, and local security meetups.

Every organization, at a minimum, should receive both network pen testing and web application pen testing, and cost should never be the reason that quality testing is not performed. Therefore, the company focuses on offering quality and affordable professional security services while increasing security awareness at organizations. The Central InfoSec team educates clients through security assessments and tailored security training while also helping with permanent resource staffing. We want to help organizations understand the core foundation to security, help businesses acquire the appropriate staff that they need, and help strengthen security postures through offensive security testing.

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Central InfoSec strengthens the security posture of businesses by reducing cyber risk through red teaming and pen testing.

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Central InfoSec offers a variety of other professional security services to help you test, measure, and improve your overall security posture. Security services offered include red teaming, pen testing, vulnerability assessments, web app testing, managed phishing, and other tailored security services to help you reduce risk to your organization.

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